About Us

Just 12 miles from Lake Huron, Watertown Township encompasses picturesque farmlands in the Thumb of Michigan located adjacent to the Sanilac County seat of Sandusky. M-46 is the northern border running east and west M-19 runs north and south through the township. Township Board meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.



    Watertown Township is currently seeking a township resident to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission. If you are interested in joining the Planning Commission team please fill out an APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT and submit it to the township Clerk Tammy Ross at PO Box 47, Sandusky, MI 48471. For further details please contact township Supervisor Scott Kenny at 810-404-2701 or email at watertownsupervisor@outlook.com. The deadline for applications is Friday, February 21, 2025. Perspective candidates will be asked to attend the regular Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 6:00pm to be interviewed by the board. TO PRINT APPLICATION: Click on the link on the left side of the page under "Township" or copy and paste into your browser: https://watertowntownship.net/media/uploads/docs/APPLICATION_FOR_APPOINTMENT.pdf


    Due to unforeseen circumstances there was a large amount of township tax bills that did not get delivered by the USPS. Because of that, all township tax bills were remailed on Wednesday, December 8th with a note explaining the situation. If you still have not received your tax bill please contact either the township Treasurer, Sheila Coats at 810-648-4278, email watertowntreasurer@yahoo.com or township Supervisor Scott Kenny at 810-404-2701, email watertownsupervisor@outlook.com.


    At the Township Board meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 the board hired James Hacker as the Watertown Township Zoning Administrator. Please contact him regarding all Land Use Permits. Phone: 810-404-3252, Email: hfparlors@att.net.


    MISS DIG is a FREE service and it is the law that you contact MISS DIG BEFORE you start digging. Please call 811 from your cell phone or go to their website www.missdig811.org BEFORE digging on your property.


    There is absolutely NO HUNTING allowed on Township Property!

  • MAIL

    Please be advised that NO MAIL is delivered to 2630 South Sandusky Road. Address any correspondence to: Watertown Township, PO Box 47, Sandusky, MI 48471.


    If you move into the township please send a letter with your name and address to the PO Box so township records reflect correct property owners.

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